Film and Media AAS


Fall Semester: February 1 - SlideRoom Fee (USD): $10


Film and Media AAS Essay

Please respond thoughtfully and note that your answers do not replace the essay that you are required to submit as part of your FIT/SUNY application.

At FIT, we feel that explaining the ideas and inspirations behind your work can be as meaningful as the final piece itself. Please choose one of the items you submitted and write a short essay (300-500 words) addressing the following questions:

  • What inspired you to create the piece?
  • How did you approach the creation of the piece?
  • In your opinion, what aspects of this piece are successful?
  • What aspects of this piece would you like to change and why?


Select either a series of images, a short film, or a piece of writing that demonstrates your creativity and storytelling abilities. Your submission should reflect who you are as an artist. Submit only projects in which you played a key creative role, such as director, cinematographer or editor; be sure to indicate the role you played. Failure to follow all guidelines and directions will result in disqualification.

Select one of the following:

  1. Images (8-10)
  2. Film/Video (up to 5 minutes)
  3. Writing (up to 6 pages)

There is no preference given to one type of submission over another.

Option 1: Images (8-10)

  • Submit 8-10 photos, drawings, paintings, or storyboards that indicate your creativity and storytelling abilities.
  • Still images and scans uploaded to SlideRoom should be a minimum of 72 dpi.
  • The overall dimensions do not matter because SlideRoom resizes images larger than 1280 x 1280 x 72 dpi.
  • You must have played a key role in the creation of these images.

Option 2: Film/Video (up to 5 minutes)

  • Your submission can be a complete work or an excerpt from a longer work.
  • It can be fiction or nonfiction, narrative or experimental, so long as it demonstrates your creativity and storytelling abilities.
  • Total running time of the submission must NOT exceed 5 minutes and/or 250MB.
  • You should be the principal creator of this work.

Option 3: Writing (up to 6 pages)

  • Your submission can be a short story or screenplay, fiction or nonfiction.
  • It can be a complete work or an excerpt from a longer work.
  • The submission should not be more than 6 pages. If you are submitting a screenplay, the cover page will not count as one of your 6 pages of writing.
  • All submissions must be in PDF format and double-spaced. Save your file as a PDF using the file name LastName_FirstName_CreativeSubmission.